collection: Georges

Niedzialkowski crafted and furnished miniature houses. Her grandmother, an upholsterer, and her grandfather, a jeweler, shared with her their passion for creating new things. She knows how to sew, to embroider, to knit and she loves crafting objects. She created Georges in 2010. Georges collections start from an exploration, from a curiosity for the material, from the discovery of the gesture to work it, from the application to master it and finally, from the care to arrive at the final object. Georges adorns itself with rare fibers and raw materials to carefully manufacture, entirely by hand, sincere objects and other numbered masterpieces, always in a reasoned approach. All pieces are handmade in their factory in Béarn, in Méritein. The team uses simple and raw materials sourced as close as possible and transformed on site. A manufacturing process that is economical in resources, generous in know-how and respectful of the environment.