guided collage with tine riis #2

guided collage with tine riis #2

Collage is the physical expression of what the artist sees in and makes of the collection of images that lay in front of her, the meaning that she gives to this world of images. Collage is meditation. It is a reincarnation of many artists into the one right here, right now, who is shaping herself into her singular artist self. And she creates.

We have had the pleasure of hosting on May 4th, 2024, our second collage session under Tine Riis's guidance.  Tine Riis Andersen (TRA ART) is a Danish collage artist based in Stavanger. She finds her materials in antique books, which inspire her to then create something new. Tine's love for colors, compositions and poetic moments shines through in her collages. They all portray a dreamy and surreal atmosphere where anything is possible. A selection of Tine's work is available in our shop in print format.

When compared to the first one in November of last year, this guided session took place during a month when days were getting longer and brighter. This element of light and spring energy, we realized after, played a role in the artists' choice of both elements and colors. Their collages were evocative of new beginnings, fresh, effervescent, blossoming. In November, the collection had been punctuated with darker, deeper colors and elements that were longing. Even the moods were more bubbly this time around and everyone was buzzing with inspiration.
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