collection: noor

Noor is a small Romanian brand owned by Alexandra, who is both the designer and the talented photographer behind the creations. She imagines her pieces to be practical, yet versatile and minimalistic -- so they can be worn season-long and year-long with just a little extra depending on temperatures. Alexandra describes what she does as an extension of her own personality: "Noor, haine cu capu-n nori. Asa le numesc eu. Sunt exact asa ca mine, o visatoare cu multe planuri si idei in fata." (translation - Noor, clothes with head in the clouds. That is what [I] call them. They are exactly like [I] am, a dreamer with many ideas ahead [of me]). 

We have known Alexandra through our own purchases of her pieces. But it's through the many coincidences that made our paths cross over the past few years that we ended up collaborating on here.

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