eve: how the female body drove 200 million years of human evolution - by cat bohannon
eve: how the female body drove 200 million years of human evolution - by cat bohannon
I first heard about Cat Bohannon book on NPR Radio and was intrigued. I was considering health issues of my own and needed to hear that about the female body. As The Guardian rightly puts it, this is a long overdue evolutionary account of women and their bodies. Cat Bohannon does not present suppositions, but has done her own in-depth research of available sources to support her conclusions and where conclusions cannot be drawn, she offers hypotheses. As a scientist myself, I really like this about her writing and about this book in particular. It asks questions that many of us have been struggling with finding answers to, such as: why is our society calibrated for men so that women receive substandard medical care? And why are researchers not really studying half the world’s population?
author: Cat Bohannon
language: English
Cover image of this product is from Cappelens Forslag.