sustainable play - by sydney piercey
sustainable play - by sydney piercey
Filled with more than 60 creative, accessible and (importantly!) plastic-free projects and play ideas, Sustainable Play is packed with crafts and games to enjoy with (your) children on slow, rainy or drawbridge days at home.
From step-by-step projects to create magical toys from your own leftover cereal boxes to joy-filled games using everyday objects from around your home, Sydney Piercey's play ideas will fire the littles' imagination and keep them entertained for hours -- being kind to the planet in the process.
Sydney Piercey and her family have relocated from England to live on a beautiful French farm, the renovation of which has been entrusted to her as a heart-project. She is genuine about her journey of mothering and enabling her children to become environmentally-conscious humans. You may follow them via Sydney's Instagram page, @sydney.piercey for a good dose of everyday inspiration and reality.